T-Room Editor: Freedom Memes transcribed the full Tucker Carlson monologue on The Biden Family selling out America to China.
by Freedom Memes at Freedom Memes
This may be the most important 26 minutes of journalism in the last decade. Tucker exposes the astounding layers of corruption by Joe Biden and Hunter Biden in conjunction with the US intelligence community and the mainstream media.
CARLSON: We told you about this on Friday night and then over the weekend, we put it into some context. So, we will summarize the story for you once more.
Last summer, a group of American Intelligence analysts working for the US government issued a report on the origins of COVID. They’ve been asked to and they did. These people work at CIA, NSA, a bunch of other agencies, and they concluded that the coronavirus may very well have been manufactured in a lab by the Chinese military.
It turns out, that’s not a talk radio conspiracy theory. As a factual matter, it’s a very real possibility, and if it’s true, if that’s what happened and again, many highly informed people believe that’s exactly what happened, that would mean the Chinese government is responsible for killing millions of people around the world and would also raise questions, obvious questions about motive. Why would China unleash a deadly virus on the globe?
To the American mind, that is an unimaginable thing to do, but the Chinese government thinks very differently from the way that we think, and here’s why.
America has been the dominant power in the world for more than a hundred years, since the end of the First World War, when Europe destroyed itself. Empires destroying themselves always paves way for new empires, something we should keep in mind at the moment.
So, American attitudes about everything are shaped by generations of casual affluence. “We’re in charge and we always will be in charge.” That’s what all of us assume. But the Chinese government does not assume this about us or them.
Until fairly recently,…
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