by Rebecca Downs at Townhall
On Wednesday afternoon, President Joe Biden called President-Elect Donald Trump, who is both his predecessor and his successor, to congratulate him on his win and invite him to the White House to discuss the transition between their administrations.
The Associated Press mentioned the news as part of their live election update. “The White House said staff would coordinate a date ‘in the near future.’ Biden plans to address the nation on the election results, which will have sharp implications for his legacy on Thursday. Biden also spoke with Vice President Harris to congratulate her on her campaign,” the update mentioned.
Fox News’ John Roberts also discussed such an update on Wednesday afternoon, noting it came this morning. “The transition this time around will be wholly different than it was during the Obama administration,” when Trump won the 2016 election.
BREAKING: Joe Biden has called to congratulate Trump on winning the election.
I bet he and Jill voted for Trump. pic.twitter.com/370CJn2xQN
— Gunther Eagleman™ (@GuntherEagleman) November 6, 2024
Vice President Kamala Harris had called Trump as well earlier on Wednesday, as Katie covered. Harris has been awfully quiet since losing to Trump, and will not be making a concession speech until later in the afternoon, over 12 hours since the race was called for Trump…
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