by Ella Kietlinska and Joshua Philipp at The Epoch Times
Baby Cyrus was taken away from his parents by authorities on the same day his mother canceled a child’s periodic medical checkup appointment because she was not feeling well, said Diego Rodriguez, grandfather of baby Cyrus.
The baby was returned to his parents after seven days in state custody, thanks to the irresistibly strong support of people, organizations, and some lawmakers, Rodriguez told on EpochTV’s “Crossroads” program.
Baby Cyrus, raised by Rodriguez’s daughter Marissa and her husband, had been exclusively breastfed until he reached about seven and a half months, at which point the parents started introducing him to solid foods, Rodriguez said.
The baby did not tolerate solid foods well and started throwing up, the grandfather continued, so the parents started seeing different doctors and specialists to diagnose the baby’s digestive problem.
At one point, the baby was hospitalized and the hospital performed all kinds of lab tests on the baby trying to figure out the cause of this food intolerance, but could not find anything wrong, Rodriguez said.
“[The hospital] even said by their own admission that as far as the lab tests are concerned and a blood test, he’s one of the healthiest babies they’ve ever seen.”…
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