by Daniel Horowitz at Blaze Media
This is not about your feelings toward Putin or Ukraine. It’s about the ethics, morality, and trust of our own government. Last Tuesday, undersecretary of state for political affairs Victoria Nuland told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, “Ukraine has biological research facilities, which in fact we are now quite concerned Russian troops, Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of, so we are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach.”
Now the World Health Organization is calling on Ukrainian officials to “destroy high-threat pathogens to prevent any potential spills,” due the ongoing risk of explosions during the war.
Given that millions of Americans have been killed or injured long-term by a virus that was likely created by gain-of-function research in a similar lab in Wuhan, isn’t it important that we have a full accounting of how many other gain-of-function labs our government holds, in which countries, and what exactly they are doing with them? This is not about justifying Putin’s invasion as somehow the savior of humanity against biowarfare. It’s about understanding the origin of the virus that clearly was not natural and destroyed our lives and how to ensure this won’t happen again…
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