by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse
President Donald Trump’s lawyer was asked about presidential immunity on Tuesday, by Federal Judge Florence Pan. The specifics of the question surrounded if President Trump could order SEAL Team Six to assassinate an American citizen (or presidential candidate) and if Absolute Immunity would apply.
President Trump’s attorney was prepared to answer the hypothetical question with a “qualified yes“; however, unfortunately the lawyer was not prepared to give Judge Pan a real-world example of this action that recently took place. It’s not a hypothetical; it was done recently. President Obama did exactly this.
CITATION – “Anwar al-‘Awlaqī; (April 1971 – 30 September 2011) was an American Islamic scholar and lecturer who was killed in 2011 in Yemen by a U.S. government drone strike ordered by President Barack Obama. Al-Awlaki became the first U.S. citizen to be targeted and killed by a drone strike from the U.S government.
President Barack Obama had absolute immunity for ordering the intentional killing of American citizen, Anwar al-Awlaqi. The issue of him being a presidential candidate is a non sequitur.
If Presidents did not have absolute immunity, or if the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals removes absolute immunity from President Trump, then Barack Obama can immediately be charged and arrested for killing al-Awlaqi. There is no statute of limitations for murder. Yes, this is the cold truth of the matter.
Additionally, 16-year-old American Citizen, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki,…
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