by Nick Arama at The National File
We’ve reported about how Joe Biden’s staff has gone to great lengths to prevent him from answering questions.
His meeting with U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson at the White House was a great example of this. Johnson took some questions from the British press. But as he was finishing up, the Biden staffers interrupted him, screaming at the top of their lungs at the press to get out, creating all kinds of chaos.
The press then filed a complaint with White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki. She basically treated them like dirt and like their objections meant nothing.
Then, when she was pressed on it the next day, she blamed Prime Minister Boris Johnson, saying he never should have taken questions, suggesting that he should have checked with them before taking any questions. Clearly, their aim is to control the narrative. They not only didn’t want Biden answering questions, they didn’t want Johnson to either, likely because then Biden’s failure not to becomes much more obvious.
So when they had a similar press spray today with India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Biden announced upfront to Modi that he didn’t want him to take any questions. He also mocked the American press…
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