by Eric Thompson at Trending Politics
Once again Americans have to determine why another governmental agency, this time the Census Bureau, could make significant errors that disproportionality benefit democratic majority states.
Unlike more temporal activities conducted by governmental agencies, the Census is only completed once every 10 years, and as you will find out, once the numbers are reported, and published they can’t be changed until the new count in 2030, even if updated accurate numbers are available and could be used today.
The Census Bureau published a study assessing their accuracy in the 2020 count.
They showed that Republican-leaning states were under-counted by statistically significant margins, while Democrat-leaning states were over-counted by statistically significant margins.
This doesn’t make sense logically, as If the cause for the counting errors was to do difficulty in reaching people during COVID, you would expect to see undercounting in all the states affected.
The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board highlighted the undercounting in a late May piece, writing, “Remember how Democrats accused the Trump administration of trying to rig the 2020 Census? Now a Census Bureau study reveals that Republican-leaning states may have been hurt by mistaken under-counts.”…
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