by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse
Governor Ron DeSantis, the information highlighted in the example below is provided as affirmation to what you likely already know; however, I provide the enhanced granular background to contemplate as you look toward the horizon. This information is provided publicly because there is a purposeful reason to continue pulling back the curtain for a larger electoral awakening.
As a former congressman you know the duplicity of the bureaucratic federal system that you left behind. The traditional framework of three co-equal branches of government has been usurped by a larger and deeper network now represented by terminology describing the intelligence community. The example below highlights just one way the system is self-protecting.
On October 19, 2020, former U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr appointed John Durham as special prosecutor under authorities provided by DOJ regulations [28 cfr 600]. However, AG Bill Barr did not tell the public at the time of the appointment. Within the original appointment AG Barr notes the reason for doing this quietly [Page 2, Paragraph (e)]:
“Pursuant to 28 C.F.R. § 600.9(b), I have determined that the notification requirement … should be tolled until at least after the November 3, 2020 election because legitimate and investigative privacy concerns warrant confidentiality.“
In essence, AG Bill Barr stated he did not want to impact the 2020 presidential election with a notification to congress or the public of this appointment. While the justification for this approach is clearly within the unspoken rules of the DOJ not wanting to give the impression of interference in political elections, we must also accept these unspoken DOJ rules only flow in one direction – when Democrat party politicians need to be protected.
However, beyond the justification for not informing the public that U.S. Attorney John Durham was now empowered with special prosecutor authorities before the 2020 presidential election, there are much bigger issues that surface; and this must be accepted and discussed in its purposeful totality…
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