by Steve Kirsch at Steve Kirsch’s Newsletter
Dear Inspector General Grimm,
There is overwhelming evidence of an enormous amount of corruption at the highest levels of the CDC, FDA, and NIH. These activities are aimed at both:
- deliberately suppressing any negative safety and efficacy data about the COVID vaccines
- suppressing safe, effective treatments using widely available repurposed drugs and supplements
None of these activities are in the public interest. Collectively, we estimate that they have cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans.
It is also clear these actions were not due to negligence or incompetence. The actions are done by people who know exactly what they are doing. When confronted with evidence, they refuse to talk about it.
I’ve listed a few examples below. I would be happy to provide more details upon request on any of these points. I have also filed this as a “Hotline complaint” on the HHS website on April 20, 2022. Unfortunately, there is no “tracking number” issued by the HHS on the complaint.
- The CDC and FDA are deliberately ignoring their own safety data that shows that the vaccines are unsafe. The safety signals that show the vaccines are too dangerous to us have been flashing “red alert” since January 2021 in the VAERS database which is the official database for reporting safety issues. The public was told that this database was being watched “like a hawk” by the FDA and CDC. How can these agencies see absolutely no signals when others including Dr. Jessica Rose and non-experts such as Albert Benavides were seeing huge safety signals as early as January 2021? How can the CDC miss such obvious safety signals such as more than a 1,000-fold increase in the rate of reported pulmonary embolisms? If it wasn’t the vaccines causing this, then we clearly have a new public health emergency. The CDC claims there are no safety signals. They are lying. It is instantly clear they are lying. See The CDC knew in January 2021 that the vaccines were unsafe, but they said NOTHING. This is unacceptable.
- The CDC refuses to acknowledge that there are millions of vaccine injured people in America. The Israeli Ministry of Health did a survey on vaccine injuries and found that 4.5% of people who took the vaccine had neurological issues. I confirmed this same rate of injury with a local physician in my area with over 20,000 patients. Independently, we also know there were hundreds of thousands of vaccine injured people who joined groups on Facebook which Facebook deleted. Why would Facebook find it necessary to remove these groups? And how does the CDC explain the hundreds of thousands of people who joined these groups if the vaccines are safe and effective? The only explanation that fits the data is that the CDC is hiding the fact that the vaccines are unsafe and have injured millions of Americans, many of them permanently.
- More than 10 independent methods estimate that over 150,000 Americans have been killed by the COVID vaccines, yet the CDC says that it hasn’t found a single death due to Pfizer or Moderna...