by Matt Lamb at LifeSite News
The ACLU has filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Ohio abortion industry to stop a new law that requires medical care for infants who survive abortions.
Senate Bill 157, set to go into effect on March 23, requires that all abortion facilities have a “written transfer agreement” (WTA) with a local hospital. This facilitates emergency care in the case of an aborted infant who is born alive, and ensures babies are not left to die inside the abortionist’s facility.
The alternative to the WTA is to contract with at least four OB-GYNS who have admitting privileges at a local hospital. But these doctors cannot in any way be contracted or paid employees of a taxpayer-funded university. The purpose is to ensure that taxpayers are not subsidizing abortions in the state.
The lawsuit, filed on February 25, asks for an injunction against SB 157, also known as the Born Alive Infant Protection Act.
The ACLU attorneys who filed the suit said the law, if it goes into effect, would likely lead to abortion facilities shutting down in the state. Women’s Med Dayton, “is in danger of [Ohio Department of Health] revoking [its license],” the lawsuit stated.
Planned Parenthood would also be burdened by the new law, and its staff would have to “spend many hours” to find and train doctors, the lawsuit stated…
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