by James Rickards at Daily Reckoning
To some extent, governments and big media have always lied. In the past, this has been done with good intentions (during times of war when secrecy is needed) or bad (as in cover-ups of blunders and crimes).
Americans may be a bit cynical, yet they know what’s happening and why. Vietnam and Watergate are examples, but you can go as far back as you like in U.S. history and find more.
Today the tempo of lies has sped up beyond belief. It’s almost as if the media have lost all interest in honest reporting. It’s all about supporting a political narrative.
First, there was the Russian influence hoax aimed at Donald Trump by Hillary Clinton and her stooges. It was a pack of lies orchestrated by Clinton to try to deflect blame away from the fact that she lost the election fair and square.
Then came the cover-up of the actual 2020 election fraud. There’s room for disagreement about whether that fraud (as well as simple incompetence among poll workers and election officials) changed the outcome of the election, but there’s no question about the fact that it happened.
Yet any mention of it made you an “election denier.” The word “denier” became the insult of choice for opponents when confronted by the truth.
“Shut up, You Denier!”
When you point out that climate changes all the time but slowly and without catastrophic outcomes, and that CO2 is a trace gas with no proven relationship to climate change (which is caused by sun cycles, volcanoes and ocean currents among other large-scale and immensely complex systems), it’s more than enough to get you labeled a “climate denier.”
You’re in the pay of “Big Oil” or are in some way aligned with nefarious groups. Facts don’t matter to them.
Anytime there’s a natural disaster…
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