by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse
There Are Trillions At Stake…
Here we go again, 150 multinational Wall Street corporations write a collective letter urging congress to pass the stalled legislation that would trigger a federal takeover of U.S. elections. [Reuters Article Link] I’m not going to post the article directly, because it is the same group of characters, the same motives and intentions that we previously wrote about [HERE].
[Please note: all leftist media call them “corporations” when the narrative is purposed to attack capitalism (ie. ‘Occupy’), and then the media switch to the term “companies” when the narrative engineering needs to support the same corporations they previously attacked. The Alinsky wordplay is part of the design. Democrats say “corporations bad” to their woke sheep, so when they need to hide their alignment with the same businesses, the media switch words to call them “companies.” I point this out because it is actually a useful tool to help people wake up and spot the manipulative and purposeful hypocrisy of the leftist ideology.]
At the heart of the issue, we are yet again back to the familiar battle, Wall Street -vs- Main Street.
Remember in April when 100 multinational corporations held a conference call to organize messaging on state election laws? Well, this is the same crew only now with targeted messaging toward congress.
Additionally, I guarantee you the G-20 discussions about a “global minimum corporate tax” are being leveraged by the White House against these U.S. Multinationals in order to get them in line supporting the federal election takeover. I guarantee you backroom deals and carve-outs, collusion between government and corporations, are being made.
Their commonality of purpose. The multinationals need the federal takeover of elections because Wall Street needs globalism in order to continue advancing their financial objectives. Main Street nationalism, or economic patriotism, is antithetical to their income statements. The current White House and the Multinational Corporations have a common enemy, Main Street.
The current alignment between government and corporate industry is also why the mega-corporations were enhanced during COVID rules/regulations and shutdown dictates, while small businesses on Main Street were crushed.
The multinationals need the U.S. to be a service driven economy, and simultaneously, the corporations need the security of never seeing President Trump’s “America-First” policies restarted. That’s why the multinational-corps support the Democrats goal to take over elections; economic nationalism must be stopped. There are trillions at stake.
There is a difference between an ordinary corporation and a multinational corporation. Multinationals hate capitalism. However, when I say most multinational corporations hate capitalism many people look confused, so let’s remind ourselves via a short video that explains why:…
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