Laughing and play-fighting in the early-evening sun – these photos could easily be mistaken for holiday snaps of a pair of close friends, perhaps even a couple.
But their sunny exterior hides a darker truth. What they actually show are Jeffrey Epstein‘s two closest confidantes relaxing on his private Caribbean island – otherwise known as ‘pedophile island’.
It was here that Epstein is believed to have abused scores of young women, allegedly with Maxwell and Brunel by his side, and participating in the abuse.
The photos were taken by an island visitor in 2003, at a time when Epstein was at the height of his financial powers and had not yet been publicly accused of sex abuse.
Brunel, despite already facing a slew of sex assault allegations, was the head of prestigious modelling agency MC2, and Maxwell was enjoying the high-life as the financier’s ‘best friend’ and ‘aggressive assistant’.
It has been alleged in court documents that Brunel once had three 12-year-old girls flown in from France for Epstein to abuse as a sadistic birthday present.
Epstein is now dead, found unconscious in his Manhattan jail cell last year at the age of 66 while awaiting trial for sex crimes in what was ruled a suicide.
Maxwell, 58, is in jail in Brooklyn, accused of procuring young girls for Epstein to abuse. She is under constant surveillance in case she tries to harm herself before the case can come to trial…
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