One of the biggest secrets of the Ukraine war is how much the CIA doesn’t know…
26 Billionaires Own as Much as World’s 3.8 Billion Poorest People…
While the wealth of billionaires increased by $900 billion last year, or $2.5 billion a day, latest Oxfam report on inequality shows “this bonanza has not been felt by the poorest half of the world, which saw its wealth decline by 11 percent.” With Wall Street titans, tech moguls, and other members of the global […]
Earth’s Richest 26 Control Same as World’s Poorest 50% – Report…
Released ahead of the annual winter World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland — a yearly gathering of some of the planet’s richest and most influential — the frightening new report from UK-based Oxfam (Oxford Committee for Famine Relief), reveals a dire gap between those who have all too much and those who have little to nothing. Founded in 1942 to, as the name implies, counter global famine, […]
Here’s What a Real Strike Looks Like: 150 Million Say No to Despotism in India…
Indian cities never go silent. Sound is a constant feature—the horns of cars, the chirping of birds, the cries of hawkers, the steady hum of a motorcycle engine. On Tuesday, India is on strike. It is likely that about 150 million workers will stay away from their workplaces. Trade unions of the Left have called […]
World’s First Hydrogen Powered Yacht ‘Energy Observer’ to Sail Around the World…
The Energy Observer, which will set sail from Paris in May 2017, will be the world’s first hydrogen powered yacht. Explorers Victorien Erussard and Jerome Delafosse, will sail around in the boat powered by renewable energy. The Energy Observer yacht can generate hydrogen from 130 square meters of solar panels, two wind turbines, a traction […]