Knowing how propagandized the lefty voter is today they will fully embrace this unAmerican idea. They will gladly taxi any and all illegals to go vote on election day. They will think it is the bestest idea ever…
Trump Ending Welfare-Dependent Immigration, Saving Taxpayers Billions…
President Trump is set to save American taxpayers billions of dollars as his administration announces a new rule on Monday that will essentially ban welfare-dependent legal immigrants from permanently resettling in the United States. A new regulation set to be published by the Trump administration will ensure that legal immigrants would be less likely to […]
Stossel: Sugar’s Sweetheart Deal…
The U.S. sugar program is “Stalin-style price controls,” Ross Marchand of the Taxpayers Protection Alliance tells John Stossel. The U.S. government uses a complex system of loans, domestic quotas, and limits on how much sugar we can import. The goal is to control the price of sugar. Stossel calls it “welfare for the rich.” Economists […]
Trump Just Took a Giant Step Towards Actual Welfare Reform…
President Trump’s new executive order on welfare reform has laid the groundwork to get more Americans get back to work while protecting and strengthening the safety net for the truly needy. Federal agencies must take advantage of this opportunity to roll back harmful Obama-era policies that have trapped families in dependency and cost taxpayers billions. […]
Executive Order Reducing Poverty in America by Promoting Opportunity and Economic Mobility…
Retirees on Tap for Biggest Increase in Social Security Benefits Since 2011…
The increase in the cost-of-living allowance for Social Security benefits next year is likely to be about 2 percent, according to the latest data, which would be the biggest hike since 2011. The official increase will be released in October, after the Bureau of Labor Statistics releases the September data…
‘Free Wage’ Recipients in Finland Report Less Stress & Greater Incentive to Work…
Participants in Finland’s universal basic income program say they are less stressed and more inspired to find a job than when they were receiving welfare. Under the pilot program aimed at tackling unemployment, 2,000 people have been given €560 every month for two years. The participants are not obliged to start looking for a job […]
Neoliberalism Nakedly Exposed…
“Austerity policies not only generate substantial welfare costs due to supply-side channels, they also hurt demand—and thus worsen employment and unemployment”…