Oh my God this interview with Geoff Shepard, who was intimately involved in the Richard Nixon White House and the Watergate scandal which led to President Richard Nixon’s resignation, is stunningly familiar as in what’s happening with Donald Trump in the here and now…
The Mass Media Is Poisoning Us With Hate by Chris Hedges…
In “Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media,” published in 1988, Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky exposed the techniques that the commercial media used to promote and defend the economic, social and political agendas of the ruling elites. These techniques included portraying victims as either worthy or unworthy of sympathy. A Catholic […]
Seymour Hersh on Novichok, Russian Links to Donald Trump and 9/11…
I’m about to interview the 81-year-old doyen of investigative journalism Seymour Hersh. Sy Hersh – as he is affectionately known by those close to him – was once described by the Financial Times as “the last great American reporter”. Hersh has brought out his memoir Reporter covering the span of his career as one of […]
Turning on Russia by Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould (Part 1/2)…
The German newsmagazine Der Spiegel last September reported that, “Stanley Fischer, the 73–year-old vice chair of the U.S. Federal Reserve, is familiar with the decline of the world’s rich. He spent his childhood and youth in the British protectorate of Rhodesia… before going to London in the early 1960s for his university studies. There, he […]
How the Neocons Shaped America’s Russia Phobia by Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould (Part 2/2)…
Unlike Nixon, Trump Will Not Go Quietly…
On Aug. 9, 1974, Richard Nixon bowed to the inevitability of impeachment and conviction by a Democratic Senate and resigned. The prospect of such an end for Donald Trump has this city drooling. Yet, comparing Russiagate and Watergate, history is not likely to repeat itself. First, the underlying crime in Watergate, a break-in to wiretap […]
James Comey: Latest victim of the Clintons by Michael Barone…
The Media, Obama and the Deep State Connections…
Whenever the media loses control over a powerful term, be it “fake news” or “deep state,” they react with infantile rage, and immediately demand cessation of the term in its “unapproved” use. As part of that process, they attempt to restrict its historical application to some definition that delimits its use against their ideological interest. […]