Republicans are pushing Ranked-Choice Voting to their voters. As with any marketing or sales be sure to read the fine print. In this case that fine print matters. It isn’t as it appears…
Florida’s Gov DeSantis Issues 9-Point Plan for Election Integrity…
On Friday, in a blunt assessment of the situation, Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis issued an election integrity proposal that would ensure fair voting in his state…
11k North Carolinian’s Received Pre-Filled Registration Ballots…
Some residents received pre-filled voter registration applications with incorrect personal information…
Voting Machine Memory Sticks and Laptop Stolen in Philly…
“Wow! 100,000 Mail In Ballots in New York City a total MESS. Mayor and Governor have no idea what to do. Big Fraud, Unfixable!…
AG Barr On Universal Mail-In Voting: “This Is Playing with Fire…Very Open to Fraud and Coercion”…
Attorney General William Barr says of universal mail-in voting: “This is playing with fire… very open to fraud and coercion.” From an interview with Wolf Blitzer of CNN’s “The Situation Room” on 9/2/2020…
Democrats Should Curb Their Enthusiasm for Mail-in Voting…
Only about one-hundredth of 1 percent of in-person votes are rejected, whereas rejection rates of 1 percent are common with mail-in votes, and many states exceeded that during their primaries this year…
Germany’s von der Leyen Voted New EU Commission President…
German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen has won the vote to become the next president of the European Commission, and will be the first woman to hold the post. She received 383 out of 747 possible votes, just nine more than the minimum for her election. A total of 327 lawmakers voted against her […]
Organic Farmers Leave Organic Trade Association over GMO Labeling Betrayal…
By a unanimous vote of its Board of Directors, the U.S. organic farmer-controlled Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association has withdrawn its membership from the Organic Trade Assoc…