…America’s hatred of Russia has its roots in the U.S. Government’s post-WW II embrace of Nazis. Tim Weiner writes about this in his essential book, Legacy of Ashes. In the immediate aftermath of the fall of Berlin, U.S. Army intelligence recruited and relied on German General Reinhard Gehlen…
Videos Obtained by a NATO Nation’s Intelligence Agency But Now Classified Allegedly Expose Ukrainian Military as responsible For Killing of Civilians at Bucha…
Videos show servicemen, in Ukrainian BDU uniforms, shooting unarmed locals and then positioning bodies on the ground…
A French Volunteer Described How He Witnessed the Dramatizations in Bucha…
A French volunteer described how he witnessed the dramatizations…
Phone Call Records Appear to Cast Doubt On Ukrainian Claims of Russian Atrocities…
Recordings obtained by RT paint a different picture regarding civilian deaths and looting near the Ukrainian capital…
It’s Obvious Who Gains from Bucha Massacre but There’s Hardly Any Media Left to Say It…
The Western media narrative has no competitor. The media foghorns can blare all they want without hardly a dissenting voice tolerated, let alone heard…
Bucha Massacre? A Ukrainian False Flag?
Bucha is the latest shiny object that the Western cats are chasing mindlessly without taking time to think critically about what Russia is actually doing on the ground. Russia’s invasion on February 24 was not a classic military attack. What do I mean?…
The Bucha Provocation…
The Bucha ‘Russian’ atrocities propaganda onslaught may have worked well in the ‘west’ but it lacks evidence that Russia had anything to do with it…
British Government Admits to Arming Ukrainian Nazis from Azov Militia…
The UK government admitted to sending anti-aircraft weapons weapons to Ukrainian neo-Nazis from the white-supremacist Azov regiment of the National Guard…
Unconfirmed: Russian Military Captured U.S. Africa HQ Chief Of Staff…
Unconfirmed sources from Russia Military: The Russian army captured the U.S Major General Roger L. Cloutier Jr. Maj. Gen. Roger L. Cloutier, the U.S. Africa Command HQ Chief of Staff in the besieged Ukrainian Azov camp in Mariupol 🐠😂, The Pentagon wanted to contact Putin, (1/x)…