Foreign Policy Expert Jeffrey Sachs explains the Greater Israel Project. Recall then Major General Wesley Clarke stating immediately following the tragedy of September 11 that the U.S. Military and taxpayer will be going to war in seven countries. We did. Now we know why and for whose benefit…
REPORT: 75% of $800B Paycheck Protection Program Didn’t Reach Employees…
Study found that taxpayers shelled out $4 for every $1 in wages and benefits received by workers from the Paycheck Protection Program…
Now It’s Time to Get Really Mad: U.S. Taxpayers Have Unwittingly Funded China’s Economy and Military Build Up for Decades…
U.S. Senate investigators released a report Monday showing that federal agencies were too slow to respond when China recruited U.S. researchers to provide the communist nation with America’s intellectual property. Reuters reported that the report found that American taxpayers had been unwittingly funding the transfer of intellectual property, which helped China’s economy and military. More […]
Not to Be Out Done by Warren, Sanders to Propose Canceling Entire $1.6 Trillion in U.S. Student Loan Debt…
Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., will propose on Monday eliminating all $1.6 trillion of student debt held in the United States, a significant escalation of the policy fight in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary two days before the candidates’ first debate in Miami. Sanders is proposing that the federal government pay to wipe clean the student […]
The U.S. War on Terror Has Cost $5 Trillion and Increased Terrorism by 6,500%…
Spending by the United States Departments of Defense, State, Homeland Security, and Veteran Affairs since 9/11 is now close to $5 trillion USD…