President Barack Obama’s former campaign manager David Plouffe famously said of Donald Trump’s entry into politics: “It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again.”…
Edward Snowden and Turnkey Tyranny…
Edward Snowden recently talked to Joe Rogan for nearly three hours. Snowden has a book out (“Permanent Record“) about his life and his decision to become a whistleblower who exposed lies and crimes by the U.S. national security state. As I watched Snowden’s interview, I jotted down notes and thoughts I had. (The interview itself […]
NSA Wants Option to Restart FISA Phone Metadata Collection, Despite All of Its Problems…
The National Security Agency (NSA) wants to keep the authority to collect phone records of international terrorism suspects and of the people the suspects call, despite having shut down the program due to multiple issues. Moreover, recent NSA testimony to Congress indicated that those issues may well reemerge if the agency decides to restart the […]
Lawmakers Demand Details on NSA’s Sweeping Phone Surveillance Operations…
A group of lawmakers is demanding the National Security Agency disclose more details on its sweeping phone surveillance operations to the public. Six Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee on Monday called on NSA to release a public report outlining the current state of the Call Detail Record program. Under the program, the agency gathers […]
SHOT: James Clapper – ‘I Didn’t Lie’ to Congress About NSA Surveillance, I ‘Simply Didn’t Understand’ the Question…
Former National Security Agency Director James Clapper said he did not lie about mass domestic surveillance programs when he testified to Congress in 2013, but rather he made a mistake and did not understand what specific program was being asked about. CNN’s John Berman asked for Clapper’s reaction to The Intercept’s Glen Greenwald report: “The very first NSA program we revealed […]
CHASER: Sen Ron Wyden Says “I sent him the question in advance. I asked him to correct the record afterward. He chose to let the lie stand.”…
The Tyranny of 9/11: The Building Blocks of the American Police State from A-Z (Short) by John W. Whitehead…
Since the towers fell on 9/11, the American people have been treated like enemy combatants, to be spied on, tracked, scanned, frisked, searched, subjected to all manner of intrusions, intimidated…