The New York Times dropped another “bombshell” report on Russian influence on the 2016 election Wednesday, and once again what is presented as salacious news in the headline and lead is revealed to be anything but midway through the report. “Months before the election, U.S. spies learned that top Russians had discussed ways to use […]
Go Straight To The Fifth Paragraph Of The Latest NYT ‘Bombshell’ On Russia Collusion…
Chinese Paper Applauds Anti-Spy Efforts After NY Times Report CIA Sources Killed…
After Mueller, Trump Critics Worry: Maybe There’s No Scandal…
Eli Lake is right: The DOJ’s appointment of widely-respected former prosecutor Robert Mueller to lead the special inquiry into the Trump campaign’s potential collusion with Russia is a reprieve for a Trump Administration in crisis—a reprieve that it will almost certainly squander, but a reprieve nonetheless. How do we know? Because the responses from Trump’s […]
Dems’ ‘Big Lie’ About Trump And Russia (VIDEO)…
Dissecting big lie of Russian collusion: Historian Victor Davis Hanson dissects ‘boogeyman of Russian collusion’ that Democrats and the media cling to in quest to get President Trump out of office #Tucker…
New York Times Admits It Published Op-Ed by Convicted Terrorist Murderer…
The New York Times admitted this week that it recently published an op-ed piece in its international section by a self-described ‘political prisoner’ and ‘Palestinian leader’, without disclosing that the man was serving five consecutive life-sentences in Israeli prison for multiple terror attacks. On Monday, the NY Times was forced to add an ‘editor’s note’ […]
NYT Public Editor Calls Out Own Paper for Not Disclosing Op-Ed Writer’s Terrorism Conviction…
Mark Levin Issues Open Letter To CNN’s Brian Stetler: “You Are Thoroughly Dishonest”…
Mark Levin, the man who started the ball rolling on ‘Obamagate’ by connecting the dots across various President Obama actions over the last year, has issued an open letter to CNN’s Brian Stetler, exclaiming “you are thoroughly dishonest.” In response to this…