American journalist H.L. Mencken once observed, “Say what you will about the Ten Commandments, you must always come back to the pleasant fact that there are only ten of them.” Despite an unending respect for Mencken, this is an occasion in which I found him mistaken, after I violated the Eleventh Commandment, “Thou shalt not […]
OAN Three Part Investigative Report on Ukraine, Corruption and Biden Family – Rudy Giuliani and Chanel Rion Travel to Ukraine…
One America News produced a three part series on the Biden family financial attachment to the corruption in Ukraine. Each segment in the series is nearly an hour long; they are presented below for viewer/reader reference and review. Click HERE to watch Parts 2 and 3 of the report…
Source Identified – IG FISA Report Identifies One Confidential Human Source Leading to Audit of FBI Activity…
Yesterday we identified one FBI Confidential Human Source who was part of the Trump campaign [SEE HERE]. Today we identify another, more interesting, one. Throughout the 478-page IG report on FBI FISA misconduct there are several mentions of Confidential Human Sources (CHSs) who were either officially “tasked” or unofficially involved in the 2016 FBI investigation […]
IG Footnote 474 – Confidential Human Source, with Delta File, Previously Inside Trump Campaign…
FISC: FBI Lawyer Who Altered Carter Page Warrant Must Be Reported to Bar. Court Reviewing All Warrant Applications…
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer released a public order Friday, demanding to see all the applications handled by the FBI attorney, who is alleged to have changed the details in the FISA application on Carter Page. In the two-page Dec. 5, order Collyer also requested that the bureau advise the court if […]
If Crowdstrike Was an FBI Contractor (I think they were), Then When Dir Rogers Shut Down Contractor Access to NSA Database…
Strzok Claims Anti-Trump Texts Protected by 1st Amendment, Administration Violated His Rights…
Former FBI agent Peter Strzok, who is suing the government in a bid for reinstatement, argued in a court filing in Washington, D.C., federal district court on Monday that his politically charged anti-Trump messages were protected by the First Amendment — even though he sent them on bureau-issued phones while playing leading roles in the […]
Peter Strzok Argues in Court His First Amendment Rights Were Violated…
How FBI (or Congress) Can Use Warrant Surveilling One American… to Spy on Many More…
If you’ve watched the current impeachment proceedings with something beyond a passing interest, you might have heard the controversy over Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) secretly obtaining and then releasing phone records of political rival Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) and journalist John Solomon. Critics say such an alleged invasion of citizens’ privacy and rights for political […]
Former NSA Director Is Cooperating With Probe of Trump-Russia Investigation…
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