A host of corporate media outlets including CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and MSNBC have participated in private dinners and sponsored trips with the China-United States Exchange Foundation, a Chinese Communist Party-funded group seeking to garner “favorable coverage” and “disseminate positive messages” regarding China, The National Pulse can reveal…
Full List of Western Media Outlets Participating in Chinese Communist Propaganda Events…
All Major Western Media Outlets Take ‘Private Dinners’, ‘Sponsored Trips’ from Chinese Communist Propaganda Front…
‘Economist’ Failed to Disclose Lucrative Beijing Ties…
UK mag cashed Huawei checks as it covered telecom giant …
Investigative Issues: The Economist Magazine Runs Chinese Corona Propaganda Disguised as News…
The Economist is running Chinese propaganda from an outlet that is violating U.S. law to spread the message that Chinese president Xi Jinping has done a masterful job handling the coronavirus pandemic. The propaganda advertorials, which are ads designed to look like news stories, come from the Beijing Review, an entity backed by the Chinese […]