Trump stuck a figurative finger at these globalists in Davos when they tried to get him on their side. As a result, he had to be replaced. Then came Covid…
Abp. Viganò Pens Open Letter to Trump: Resist ‘The Great Reset’…
Vatican whistleblower Abp. Carlo Maria Viganò, former papal nuncio to the United States, has warned about the encroachment of globalist plans that threaten the sovereignty of nations and the ability of citizens to preserve their religious freedom. His open letter to President Trump in May warned that the COVID-19 pandemic was being used to usher in a “world government” resulting in permanent loss of personal freedoms…
Cyber Manipulation of the 2020 Vote Is Far More Insidious Thanks to Bill Gates…
Microsoft developed the program that was used to change votes and then licensed the software to not only Dominion, but essentially every other computerized voter machine operated tabulation system…
Ex-Reddit CEO Says She ‘Knew’ Ghislaine Maxwell Was Trafficking Underage Girls, Attended Party with Al Gore, Facebook AND Amazon Execs…
Weekly Jobless Claims Add Another 2.1 Million, Revised First Quarter GDP -5%…
The Dept. of Labor released weekly unemployment data showing an additional 2.1 million workers filed new unemployment compensation claims last week; bringing the total claims to over 40 million since the Wuhan virus mitigation effort shut down the U.S. economy. However, there is some good news within the data. The “continuing claims”, meaning those who […]
Coronavirus Monitoring Bracelets Flood the Market, Ready to Snitch on People Who Don’t Distance…
Surveillance firms around the world are licking their lips at a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to cash in on the coronavirus by repositioning one of their most invasive products: the tracking bracelet. Body monitors are associated with criminality and guilt in the popular imagination, the accessories of Wall Street crooks under house arrest and menace-to-society parolees. Unlike […]
Ecuador’s Indigenous People Are Leading the Anti-Government Protests. They Have a Record of Ousting Presidents…
Juan Oshcu traveled more than six hours from his rural farm, walking and hitching rides, to reach the Ecuadoran capital. For three nights, he’s slept on wooden benches in one of the city’s cultural centers, a temporary base for the thousands of indigenous protesters who have arrived here this week. “We have risen to say, […]
Chaos in Ecuador as President Imposes Curfew…
Ecuador’s President Lenín Moreno announced a curfew Tuesday and moved the seat of government outside the capital, Quito, as hundreds of thousands of protesters paralyzed the country with road closures and calls for a general strike. The unrest comes as the government refuses to negotiate over its cancellation of fuel subsidies, which doubled the cost […]
The Corbett Report: The 5G Network…
Telecom companies are currently scrambling to implement fifth-generation cellular network technology. But the world of 5G is a world where all objects are wired and constantly communicating data to one another. The dark truth is that the development of 5G networks and the various networked products that they will give rise to in the global […]
Project Veritas has obtained a newly leaked document from Google that appears to show a Google employee and member of Google “transparency-and-ethics” group calling conservative and libertarian commentators, including Dennis Prager and Ben Shapiro, “nazis.” Project Veritas received this document after the release of its investigation into Google through the “Be Brave” campaign at […]