Talk about an invasion of one’s privacy not to mention creepy. Why on earth is one’s sexual proclivities anybody’s business to begin with?
China-Made Smartphone Weather App Stole Data from 10 Million Global Users…
TCL, a Chinese producer of consumer electronics, has been collecting data without permission from mobile phones that have downloaded its free weather forecast smartphone app. This app has been downloaded more than 10 million times by users around the world since it was released in December 2016. TCL is a listed company on the Hong […]
Cops Take Dead Man’s Smartphone to His Corpse in Attempt to Unlock It…
In a very unusual move, police detectives in Largo, Florida, recently went to a local funeral home and located the body of a man named Linus Phillip. The 30-year-old had died days earlier at the hands of a different Largo officer. The detectives then attempted to use the fingers on Phillip’s body to unlock his […]
How Google Is Secretly Recording You And Storing Your Conversations…
DID you know that Google has been recording you without your knowledge? The technology giant has effectively turned millions of its users’ smartphones into listening devices that can capture intimate conversations – even when they aren’t in the room. If you own an Android phone, it’s likely that you’ve used Google’s Assistant…
How a Smartphone Camera Changed the Discussion on Clinton’s Health…
On Sunday at a 9/11 ceremony marking 15 years since the attacks, Hillary Clinton wasn’t feeling well to the point she had to make an early exit. Her handlers obviously knew what such an exit would do…