Maybe you once thought the CIA wasn’t supposed to spy on Americans here in the United States. That concept is so yesteryear. Over time, the CIA upper echelon has secretly developed all kinds of policy statements and legal rationales to justify routine, widespread surveillance on U.S. soil of citizens who aren’t suspected of terrorism or […]
This Is What It Really Means to Think Outside ‘The Box’ by Sharyl Attkisson…
If a man from Mars came to America and sampled information on the internet and on the news, he might reach some pretty firm conclusions about our society. We might appear universally violent, polarized, racist and more. But if that same Martian instead were to travel the United States, minus that information flow, he might […]
What Would the Intelligence Community’s ‘Insurance Policy’ Against Trump Look Like?…
Whatever Happened to the ‘Unmaskings’ Probe?…
Every day brings new stories about Russian interference in the 2016 election, whether Donald Trump played a role, and alleged abuses by our intelligence agencies. One of the deepest, darkest, most important issues in the whole mess has to do with the massive number of “unmaskings” of U.S. citizens. It potentially opens a can of […]
What Did Peter Strzok Do?…
As former top FBI official Peter Strzok faces congressional requests to testify, it’s worth examining who he is. Strzok is the subject of what I see as one of the most damaging conclusions in the Department of Justice (DOJ) inspector general report: As the nation’s top FBI counterespionage official, he indicated “a willingness to take […]
Sharyl Attkisson: IG Report Criticizes Over 80 DOJ/FBI Officials; ‘This wasn’t a ‘handful of people’…
Investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson is doing something most journalists (and apparently most Senators) have failed to do. She’s actually reading reading the entire Inspector General’s report on the FBI’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email affair. For those journalists who have only read the Executive Summary of Michael Horowitz’ report they come away with assumptions […]
Eight Signs Pointing to a Counterintelligence Operation Deployed Against the Trump Campaign…
For Press and Public, Big Risks Lurk Behind Political ‘Opposition Research’…
It’s like a political game of “Who’s on First?” (If you’re too young to know, that’s a reference to an old Abbott and Costello comedy routine.) In this case, it’s high-stakes politics, Washington style. Here’s how it goes: U.S. intel officials used political opposition research (that relied on Russia) to justify wiretaps to investigate Donald […]
Sharyl Attkisson Accuses Obama DOJ of Secretly Swapping Out Her Computer Hard Drive…
Former CBS correspondent Sharyl Attkisson accused the Department of Justice (DOJ) of monkeying around with her hard drive while her computer was in their possession. She tweeted on Thursday, “What would you think if I told you the hard drive of one of my personal computers was secretly switched out w/another while in custody of […]