With the latest information revealing that FBI Agent Peter Strzok and DOJ/FBI Attorney Lisa Page were specifically leaking to their media sources to shape the underlying story of their political efforts, everything presented by the recipients of those leaks should now be questioned. Page and Strzok were the “sources” for stories written by Devlin Barrett […]
Questioning Assumptions – Revelations of Key FBI Officials Leaking to WaPo Should Cause Review of Underlying Media Narratives…
Texts: FBI Considered Patrick Fitzgerald as Special Prosecutor for Hillary Clinton Emails…
Controversial FBI Officials Linked to Wall Street Journal and Washington Post Leaks…
Chairman Chuck Grassley Releases New Batch of FBI Text Messages and Questions FBI Director Chris Wray…
Senator Chuck Grassley, Chairman of Senate Judiciary Committee, releases a new batch of text messages between FBI Agent Peter Strzok and DOJ/FBI Attorney Lisa Page (full pdf). In the text exchange Peter Strzok is ‘INBOX’ and Lisa Page is ‘OUTBOX’…
Inspector General Letter to Sens’ Johnson & Grassley…
AUDIT: Afghanistan Watchdog Releases Audit of Defense Department Spending…
U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, received the results of an audit he requested in 2016, along with then-Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), from the Office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR). The audit is the result of conscientious oversight efforts conducted by Grassley over several years […]
One Bluff Called: Senators Graham and Grassley Send Criminal Referral to DOJ…
Yup, the walls are closing in. In a brilliant move of strategery, Senate Judiciary Chairman, Chuck Grassley, and Senate Judiciary member, Lindsey Graham, send a criminal referral of Christopher Steele to the DOJ for investigation. But things are not what they seem. Today Senators Grassley and Graham sent a letter of criminal referral to the […]
Report: Taxpayers Lost Billions as Hundreds of Drugs Misclassified Under Medicaid Drug Rebate Program…
Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, today released the following statement on a report released by the Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) that showed 885 drugs were potentially misclassified under the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Medicaid Drug Rebate Program, resulting in billions […]