Three military personnel have been reassigned from their White House jobs amid allegations that they had improper contact with foreign women while traveling with President Trump on his recent trip to Asia, according to officials familiar with the situation. The service members all worked for the White House Communications Agency, a specialized military unit that […]
Calls for Dem State Senator to Resign Surge After Trump Assassination Post; Secret Service Investigates…
Chappelle-Nadal has been defiant, saying she is “not resigning,” and although she apologized for the assassination post, she is now calling for Trump’s impeachment. “I am not resigning . . . What I said was wrong, but I am not going to stop talking about what led to that, which is the frustration and anger […]
Secret Service Stops Another Attempted Intruder Near White House…
A Trump administration spokesman says an individual was apprehended near the White House, a week after an intruder was caught on White House grounds. Press secretary Sean Spicer wrote on Twitter on Saturday that the individual “jumped bike rack on Pennsylvania Ave” but did not make it onto White House property. Spicer added, “Great response […]
Laptop Holding Hillary Clinton Email Investigation Info & Trump Tower Floor Plans Stolen…
A laptop computer containing floor plans for Trump Tower, information about the Hillary Clinton email investigation and other national security information was stolen from a Secret Service agent’s vehicle in Brooklyn, police sources told the Daily News. Authorities have been frantically searching for the laptop since it was stolen Thursday morning. Some items stolen along […]
Intruder Breaches White House Grounds…
The suspect, who had a California driver’s license, told Secret Service officers that he was there to see the president. “No, I am a friend of the President. I have an appointment,” the suspect said when approached by an officer, according to a report released Saturday by the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Police Department. Asked how […]
Senior Secret Service Agent Suggests She Wouldn’t Take a Bullet for Trump…
A senior U.S. Secret Service agent posted Facebook condemnations of President Trump during the past seven months, including one in which she said she wouldn’t want to “take a bullet” for him. She explained herself saying she viewed his presidential candidacy as a “disaster” for the country, and especially for women and minorities…
Thinking it Might Have Something to do with the Secret Service Launching an Investigation…
Melania, Barron Trump Will Not Be Moving into White House After Inauguration…
Future First Lady Melania Trump and son Barron will not be moving to the White House come January when Donald Trump is inaugurated. The president-elect’s 46-year-old wife and 10-year-old son will be staying put at Trump Tower so Barron can continue attending his private school on the Upper West Side of New York City…
I Protected Hillary Clinton In The Secret Service – Here’s Why Her ‘Fainting’ Video Really Scares Me…
It is very revealing that, whatever is wrong with her, she is being treated by her own private medical specialists in secret and, judging by the ballet-like reaction by her detail, they have dealt with this before…