The left-wing extremist Saul Alinsky famously instructed his radical followers on the best way to attack their political opposition. Alinsky told his communist crew to “Isolate, Ridicule and Marginalize” their opponents. In the decades since those first Rules for Radicals were published the instructions have been used and adapted on a continual basis by a growing faction inside the Democrat apparatus…
My Unfair Lady…
Ocasio-Cortez Is ‘Gotham’s ‘Biggest Villain’ in Amazon HQ2-NY Debacle…
Green New Deal Sponsor Ocasio-Cortez Campaign Used 1,049 ‘Car Services’ During Midterms, Spent Over $23,000…
Bernie Sanders Pledges to Do a Better Job of Explaining Socialism to Voters…
2020 Dems Warm to Expanding Supreme Court…
STUNNING REPORT: The Brains Behind Justice Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (VIDEO)…
The T-Room here. When searching for news links to post here at The T-Room I come across some humdingers. This is one of them. Never in the more than 40 years I’ve been following politics have I ever come across such an underhanded, dishonest and deliberate act of deception by political hacks. EVER. If this […]
The Godfather…
Left-wing activists smash windows with bats to protest conservative speakers. They burn property and threaten opponents in public, violently lashing out at individuals for holding conservative views. It’s 2019, but could be mistaken for 1969. That’s no accident, observers of history say. The roots of disorder go back to a style of agitation and organization […]