A New York state judge on Monday denied a motion to dismiss a lawsuit against several social media companies alleging the platforms contributed to the radicalization of a gunman who killed 10 people at a grocery store in Buffalo, New York in 2022, court documents show…
“Jim Eagle” Has Landed: A Federal Court Declares Georgia Election Law Entirely Constitutional…
“Jim Eagle” has landed… with a thud. President Joe Biden famously (and somewhat bizarrely) used the name “Jim Eagle” to characterize the Georgia election law…
Kamala Harris Introduces Resolution to Condemn the Terms ‘Wuhan Virus’ and ‘Chinese Virus’ As Racist…
Democratic California Sen. Kamala Harris introduced a resolution last week calling on the Senate to condemn the term “Wuhan virus” as racist. The resolution, introduced May 14, describes the terms “Chinese Virus,” “Wuhan Virus,” and “Kung-flu” as “anti-Asian terminology and rhetoric” that “have perpetuated anti-Asian stigma.” The resolution on the Senate to condemn “all forms […]
Was Einstein a Racist?…
Newly translated into English, Albert Einstein’s private travel diaries from the 1920s reveal that he was racist in his early life, especially towards Chinese people. The journals, published as “The Travel Diaries of Albert Einstein” by Princeton University Press, reveal that Einstein, perhaps the most famous scientist of all time and known for his theory […]