Exclusive receipts of a USAID grant agreement from 2020 show that the federal government sent millions of taxpayer dollars in funding for abortion and population control propaganda disguised as overseas COVID-relief grants…
The Real Globalist ‘Mastermind’ Behind The Great Reset: ‘Prophet’ Jacques Attali (Videos)…
If you have never heard of Jacques Attali, that might be intentional. Among the globalist architects, he is a shadowy figure who not only influences the course of French politics but also shapes our future – globally. Is Jacques Attali merely a spokesman presenting the plans for powerful globalist networks, or could he be the real mastermind behind moving us all toward a Great Reset?…
Researcher Andrew Hill’s ‘Ivermectin as a Viable Treatment’ Conflict: As in a $40M Gates Foundation Grant vs a Half a Million Lives…
In a stunning admission, virologist Dr. Andrew Hill acknowledged in a zoom call that publication of his study could lead to the deaths of at least a half million people…
“You Will Not Have Your New World Order”: The Spartacus Letter – The Document That’s Going Viral With Doctors…
The following document was released by an anonymous user who calls himself “Spartacus”. It’s written by somebody with exceptional medical insight. They discuss three areas: The actual medical and biochemical issues related to Covid and its treatment…The Covid-19 Criminal conspiracy…How the vaccine is linked to Transhumanism and New World Order population control…
11,000 Experts Propose Final Solution to Global Warming: Just Kill Billions of People…
Over 40 years ago, scientists from 50 nations pivoted on a longstanding “global cooling” thesis that was going to blanket the earth in ice, and instead adopted what was then called the “CO2-climate problem” which would lead to theories on global warming, rising tides and economic catastrophe. “Now, four decades later, a larger group of […]
OPINION: The Left’s Determination to Destroy the U.S. from Within by Patricia McCarthy…
How deranged and thoroughly despicable are the California and national Left? How depraved is Governor Newsom? They and he are a collective blight on the nation. They are not alone in their immorality, in their contempt for civilized society. Democrats, who have long led their hostage cities and states to inevitable decline, are absolutely to […]
So-Called Dems Want a Ban on Everything: Fracking, Straws, Light Bulbs, Meat, Oil, Coal, Gas…
Democrats appearing at CNN’s marathon 7-hour global warming forum have a plan to solve a changing climate: Ban everything! Over the course of the television extravaganza, Democrats’ leading 2020 presidential candidates floated a variety of proposals to cut Americans’ energy use and, ostensibly, to stop the climate from changing. Among them: Bans on plastic straws, […]
Joe Biden’s Eye Fills with Blood During CNN Climate Town Hall (VIDEO)…
The T-Room here: Former VP Joe Biden apparently has a serious health issue. During last night’s CNN Climate Change town hall it appears he had a Subconjuctival Hemorrhage. His health is quite questionnable. Maybe the stress of the campaign is beginning to take its toll on his health. Maybe. Best of luck to Mr. Biden…
Imagine That!: Socialist Democrat Is a Eugenicist Who Supports Women of Color from Third World Countries Abort Their Babies to Save the World…
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has came under fire from conservatives on social media Thursday after he said he would be open to discussing population control as a means to combat climate change. The presidential candidate made the comments on Wednesday at a climate town hall on CNN after he was asked by an attendee about […]
Sierra Club Chief: Abortion Is Key to ‘Sustainable Population’…
The executive director of the environmentalist Sierra Club said that abortion is a critical tool for protecting the environment from the threat of overpopulation. On Thursday, the Sierra Club’s Michael Brune appeared on Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson Tonight to argue for the importance of “reproductive rights” as a means of culling the world’s population […]