Does it feel like you’re walking on eggshells lately when talking about politics? You’re not alone. A new national survey of 2,000 Americans I conducted at the Cato Institute finds that 62 percent of Americans say the political climate these days prevents them from saying what they believe because others might find it offensive. This […]
‘When your campaign is going swimmingly’: ‘I want to be clear, I’m not going nuts.’…
While the anti-Trump media has pivoted back to the whole ‘Trump is crazy’ / 25th Amendment impeachment fantasy revived by GOP challengers Bill Weld and Joe Walsh, former Vice President Joe Biden’s stumbling senior moments have gotten so bad that he’s now swearing he’s sane. “I want to be clear, I’m not going nuts,” Biden […]
Joe Biden Falls: National Poll Shows Statistical Three-Way Tie in Democrat Presidential Race…
Watchdog Reveals Obama Administration Provided $9 Million to George Soros’ Political Activities in Albania…
The U.S. Agency for International Development under the Obama administration provided $9 million to a group supported by liberal billionaire George Soros that was then used to financially assist left-wing political activities in Albania, according to a new watchdog report. Documents obtained by Judicial Watch show USAID pedaled the money through it’s Civil Society Project […]
Poll: 96% of Trump Supporters Would Vote for Him Again, Win Popular Vote…
The poll comes as Trump looks to finish his first 100 days later this week on a high note, with new legislative initiatives on tax reform and health care. Unlike his predecessors, Trump had no “honeymoon,” with the media and the Demcoratic opposition — a.k.a. “Resistance” — determined to maintain a bitter antagonism from the […]
Discern Through The False/Flawed Media Narrative: “Black Voters Lagging”…
The Clinton campaign is relying on a heavily promoted narrative that minority voting, specifically black voting, is lower as compared to 2012 and 2008. This approach appears to be their effort to boost voter turnout…
Pat Caddell on ‘Cooked’ Reuters Poll: ‘Never in My Life Have I Seen a News Organization Do Something So Dishonest’…
“They not only changed their formula, to put Hillary ahead. They went back and changed the results, for a week of results where Trump was ahead, and then they…