The United States is negotiating behind the scenes with Saudi Arabia, pressuring the country to keep selling its oil in dollars…
Here Comes Pain – OPEC+ Makes Surprise Oil Production Cut Announcement, The Global Cleaving Continues…
Despite the fact the Western Alliance have created the policy that will deliver pain to their citizens, not a single government leader will look at this move as a bad thing…
Paul Craig Roberts Warns the Loss of the Petrodollar Will Be Disastrous…
Former White House official Paul Craig Roberts is warning that as more nations all over the globe move away from using the dollar in energy trade, the consequences for the United States economy could be quite severe…
China’s Oil Futures Contract Is Beginning to Show Its Teeth…
Petrodollar will be showing signs of wear-and-tear in the very near future. We have been documenting the demise of the dollar hegemony for the past several years and the past two years the pace of the demise seems to be moving like a rocket. All the little details since the global financial meltdown in 2008 […]
China About to Knock Out Petrodollar by Trading Oil in Yuan…
As one of the world’s top energy importers, China has successfully completed its fifth dry run in yuan-backed oil futures contract trading. The step has been already called Beijing’s challenge to the US dollar. According to Bloomberg, which cited a statement from the exchange, 149 members of Shanghai International Energy Exchange traded 647,930 lots in […]
Pres. Trump, Saudi Arabia and the Petrodollar…
Obama pulled out his veto pen 12 times during his presidency. Congress only overrode him once. In late 2016, Obama vetoed the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA). The bill would allow 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia in US courts. With only months left in office, Obama wasn’t worried about the political price […]
SDR World Order by James Corbett…
The IMF is formally adding the Chinese renminbi (aka the yuan) to their “Special Drawing Rights” basket on Saturday, October 1st. The move boosts the yuan to the status of global reserve currency alongside its basketmates, the pound, the euro, the yen and the dollar…
Watch This Outstanding Video on the History of the U.S. Monetary System…
You better believe they will ABSOLUTELY NOT teach this in school! It’ll become painfully clear why. There is NO DOUBT: If THIS house of cards falls, the entire world will feel the catastrophic effects!…