“Our research indicates that ESG investing does not have any advantage over broad-based investing,” said the asset management firm’s CEO Tim Buckley…
The USA is Officially No Longer a Party to the Paris Agreement…
“The EU green deal and carbon neutrality commitments from China, Japan and South Korea point to the inevitability of our collective transition off fossil fuels,” said Laurence Tubiana, one of the architects of the Paris agreement and now chief executive of the European Climate Foundation…
Who’s the Cleanest of Them All?…
Take a wild guess what country is reducing its greenhouse gas emissions the most? Canada? Britain? France? India? Germany? Japan? No, no, no, no, no and no. The answer to that question is the U.S. of A. Wow! How can that be? This must be a misprint. Fake news. America never ratified the Kyoto Treaty […]
Although the Senate Has Not Ratified the Paris Climate Accord, Obama Plans to Self Ratify with China Next Week at Paris G-20…
“One can only speculate how the administration plans to ratify the agreement without approval of the Senate…But given the disregard the administration has demonstrated…