This kind of tax-exempt political interference is now standard practice for the world’s far-left ultra-rich, and it’s affecting a whole lot more than elections…
Trump Exempts Fortune 500’s Visa Workers from Immigration Curb…
President Donald Trump has exempted the Fortune 500’s international labor supply from his order for a temporary immigration shutdown. “This order will only apply to individuals seeking a permanent residency,” Trump said in an April 21 press conference at the White House. He said: It would be wrong and unjust for Americans laid off by […]
Immigration Pause Will Not Apply to H-2A Visa Workers…
Silicon Valley Billionaires Bankroll Mike Lee and His Green Card Giveaway…
Silicon Valley and California’s wealthiest tech billionaires are bankrolling Sen. Mike Lee’s (R-UT) effort to allow India and China to monopolize the United States’ green card system. Lee’s S. 386 provides a massive giveaway to Big Tech corporations like Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Microsoft — all of which are donors to the Utah Senator. The […]
India Ambassador Praises House for Outsourcing U.S. College Jobs to Indian…
“I must compliment the U.S. House of Representatives for adopting the Fairness for High Skilled Immigrants bill which removes country caps on the H1B visas,” Indian ambassador Harsh Shringla told a D.C. meeting of lobbyists and advocates on Tuesday. He continued: “I think this is an important initiative. We have worked with congressmen across the […]
Sen. Chuck Grassley Denounces ‘EB-5’ Giveaway to China Hidden in India Outsourcing Bill…
Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley is throwing a flag on the stealth push by technology investors to expand the unregulated U.S.-India outsourcing economy. The business-backed bill to expand the binational outsourcing economy, titled HR.1044, quadruples the supply of valuable green cards to Indian workers who agree to take college-level jobs from American graduates. On July 10, […]
The End of Employees…
No one in the airline industry comes close to Virgin America Inc. on a measurement of efficiency called revenue per employee. That’s because baggage delivery, heavy maintenance, reservations, catering and many other jobs aren’t done by employees. Virgin America uses contractors…