A bunch of entitled, self-appointed nitwits who few give a rip about believes you have too much freedom…
Resort Tycoon Says He’s Ordered Dem Leaders to Adopt Pro-Billionaire Platform…
So this is it, right here. This is how the rich screw you, America. A rigidly enforced two-party system with both wings completely beholden to a powerful plutocracy whose rule depends on keeping you poor. They’ll let you fight over abortion, racism, transgendered rights or gun control til you’re blue in the face, but the […]
It’s Class, Stupid, Not Race by Marshall Auerback…
During the Presidential campaign of 1988, the Reverend Jesse Jackson was asked, “How you are going to get the support of the white steelworker?” He replied: “By making him aware he has more in common with the black steel workers by being a worker, than with the boss by being white”…
‘Deplorables’ Shake Up the Elite…
The Biggest Heist in Human History by Mike Whitney…
Is the Fed confused about how the economy works? Is the Fed confused about how the financial system works? Probably not. There’s probably some other explanation altogether, after all, why would someone put gas in their radiator when the gas-tank is empty…
Congresswoman Calls For Drug-Testing The Rich To Qualify For High-Dollar Tax Deductions…
‘We might really save some money by drug-testing folks on Wall Street, who might have a little cocaine before they get their deal done.’ — US Rep. Gwen Moore…