New ID requirements, voting machines casting the wrong vote, unfamiliar or distant polling places, and names missing from voting rolls are just some of the challenges that are starting to disrupt voting leading up to Election Day…
Clinton Has Lost Lock on the 270 Electoral College Votes Needed for Victory as Ohio, Utah and a Part of Maine Moves to Trump…
Texas Rigged? Reports Of Voting Machines Switching Votes To Hillary In Texas…
Early Voting Troubles: Long Lines, Vote-Changing Being Reported…
Bill Clinton Speaks Out About Obamacare, Calls It ‘Crazy System’ (VIDEO)…
Former President Bill Clinton attacked President Barack Obama’s signature health care legislation Monday, calling it a “crazy system” that “doesn’t make any sense” during a Michigan campaign event for Hillary…
Minnesota’s Obamacare Exchanges Are in an ‘Emergency Situation’…
Indiana Loses Obamacare Insurer…
Clinton Promises Military Force Against Hackers…
“We need to respond to evolving threats, from states like Russia, China, Iran and North Korea,” Clinton stated, also mentioning the terror group Daesh…
Supreme Court Shuts Down Ohio Libertarians’ Ballot Request…
The Supreme Court says Ohio’s Libertarian Party cannot list Gary Johnson and Bill Weld as its candidates on general presidential election ballots…
Trump’s Foreign Policy Ends ‘Era of Nation Building,’ Time to ‘Chart a New Course’…
“If I become president, the era of nation building will be brought to a very swift and decisive end,” Trump vowed, adding it’s time to “chart a new course”…