In a recent study entitled “Problems Unsolved and a Nation Divided” Harvard University points out that, despite claims of an “Obama Recovery,” in fact, the U.S. economy has continued to deteriorate…
Is The CIA Ignoring the Islamic State in Their Obvious ‘Covert Operations’ in Syria…
Harvard Crushes The “Obama Recovery” Farce With 9 Simple Charts…
Guess Who’s Building a Wall and Who Helped Pay for It?…
Mexico is building a ‘wall’… on its southern border (to keep illegal immigrants out). Perhaps even more ironic, The FT notes that the Obama administration is coy about its role in Mexico’s crackdown…
Israel to Receive Largest Military Aid Deal in U.S. History…
The US and Israel have agreed on a $38 billion military aid package over the next 10 years. The deal will become the biggest pledge of US military assistance to another country in history…
Veterans Back Fight by Relative of Drone Victims: People Should Know ‘How a Screw-Up Can Lead to the Death of Their Family Members’…
Three military veterans once involved in the U.S. drone program have thrown their support behind a Yemeni man’s legal fight to obtain details about why his family members were killed in a 2012 strike…
Sens’ Grassley & Lankford Ask ‘Why isn’t govt. spending available Zika money?’…
Why aren’t billions of dollar in available tax money being used to fight Zika? That’s what Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) are asking the Obama Administration…
HHS New Rules on Gender Reassignment Surgery on Kids…Doctors Can’t Decline Surgery if “Mental Health Professional” Recommends…
The Department of Health and Human Services recently issued rules telling doctors they can’t decline to perform gender-reassignment surgery on kids if its recommended…
White House Partner Asked Soros for $750K to Fund Pro-Iran Deal ‘Echo Chamber’…
The Ploughshares Fund, a liberal organization cited by top White House officials as a chief architect of the Obama administration’s campaign to push the Iran deal…
2012 Pentagon Report Warned Obama Was Creating Islamic State…
“there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality in Eastern Syria, and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want”…
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