If one were to believe that Jan. 6 would be violent, one of the most pressing questions about how it was is still unanswered. Why was it never designated as a National Special Security Event (NSSE)? Why were 2000 people able to “breach” the Capitol when pretty much everyone knew in advance that the crowds would be massive and possibly non-peaceful?…
Casting Call for Extras, Actors During Cleveland RNC Violence…
“Here’s your chance to take to the streets and protest for a cause you believe in. Many thousands will be at your side. When the violence hits…
Operation “Summer of Chaos” Led by DeRay McKesson…
An Estimated 40k+ Protesters Anticipated at RNC Convention in Cleveland…
An Estimated 30k+ Protesters Anticipated at DNC Convention in Philadelphia…
New Cleveland RNC Police & Military Docs: FEMA Base to Setup at NASA…
As the panopticon descends on Cleveland, military forces will begin staging security operations at NASA’s Glenn Research Center…