Why any Democrat would express shock by more than a billion dollars blown through by the Harris campaign is silly. It’s what these lifer Dems do. They take and take and take more. Just look at their policies. It’s in their DNA…
Mysterious Babbitt Shooting Witnesses Incited Rioters, Met Secretly with Capitol Police on January 6…
Dubbed ‘Frick and Frack,’ the men stood feet from Ashli Babbitt among more than a dozen other unidentified material shooting witnesses…
Cop Who Fatally Shot and Killed J6 Protester Has Lengthy Disciplinary Record Including Gun Incidents…
The issues in officer Michael Byrd’s background included a failed shotgun qualification test, a failed FBI background check, a suspension for a lost weapon and referral to prosecutors for firing his gun at a stolen car…
The Fault, Dear Democrats, Is in Yourselves…
Harris’s campaign was crippled by her ties to unpopular policies, Biden administration failures, authenticity issues, and a contentious nomination process…
How Kamala Harris Plowed Through $1 BILLION in Three Months…
It’s simply stunning how this woman’s campaign blew through a billion dollars in a bit more than three months and is now carrying a debt of $20 million…
The Bloom Is Off the Ruse – Harris Camp Faces Massive Scrutiny Over Spending $1.3 Billion in Three Months, and Facing Debt, David Plouffe Runs from Twitter…
A few articles for the historic record are in order. First, this one about the Kamala Harris campaign team taking all of the Biden campaign money, then fundraising for another $1 billion, with a “B”, and now facing $20 million in unpaid debts…
Steve Bannon Released from Prison after Serving 4 Months for Contempt of Congress…
Bannon, 70, was convicted of contempt of Congress…
Paul Pelosi Attack: David DePape Sentenced to Life in Prison in State Trial…
He was found guilty of charges including aggravated kidnapping…
HBO Mum on Why J6 Documentary Excluded Footage of Pelosi Admitting Security Failures…
California Democrat’s comments appear to undercut narrative about then-President Trump being responsible for Guard not being at the Capitol…
Bombshell Transcripts: Trump Urged Use of National Guard and Military to Protect Capitol on January 6, but Was Rebuffed by Gen Milley…
Key lawmaker says interviews prove Pentagon wrongly allowed optics to overwhelm security concerns in lead-up to fateful day. The Pentagon’s top brass did not comply with Trump’s orders because of political concerns and “optics.”…