Current and former officeholders have been filtering in and out of Trump Tower this week as Donald J. Trump’s transition team works to assemble leaders of the new administration. Here are some possibilities for the cabinet and other key posts…
The Biden’s Host the Pence’s…
Vice President Joe Biden offered an olive branch to Donald Trump’s administration on Wednesday, meeting with Vice President-elect Mike Pence and offering his full support as the Indiana governor prepares to move to Washington…
This Can’t Be Good: Venezuelan Diplomat Joins Chicago Communists Plotting Trump Resistance…
A Marxist, a Venezuelan diplomat and an illegal alien headlined a meeting of organizers of the Trump resistance as they announced their plan to shut down Chicago on Saturday and Washington, D.C. on Inauguration Day.
The Purge, the Benghazi Report, and Trump’s Claim Obama Created ISIS by Marcy Wheeler…
When I learned yesterday that, in addition to “purging” Mike Rogers, Trump had added Devin Nunes and Crazy Pete Hoekstra to his transition team (thus replacing Rogers with both his predecessor and successor as House Intelligence Chair), I wondered whether the Benghazi report…
Pence Takes Lead of Transition Team…
Trump and Pence’s First 100 Days in Office…
The plan outlines three main areas of focus: cleaning up Washington, including by imposing term limits on Congress; protecting American workers; and restoring rule of law…
Trump Team Already Working to Improve Ties with Turkey…
This Is Just Sad: Look at This Picture…Where’s the Enthusiasm…
THIS IS JUST EFFING INCREDIBLE! Hillary’s VP pick Tim Kaine Held a Rally today AND NOBODY CAME! There were literally like 30 people there — in West Palm Beach, Florida…
Here’s a Vid Showing How Friggin Rude, Rude, RUDE Tim Kaine Was in VP Debate (VIDEO)
Mike Pence Takes Victory Lap in Tim Kaine’s Backyard…
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, headed here in the backyard of his counterpart Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) to rub in his victory over the Democratic vice presidential nominee in Tuesday night’s debate…