The National Security Agency (NSA) wants to keep the authority to collect phone records of international terrorism suspects and of the people the suspects call, despite having shut down the program due to multiple issues. Moreover, recent NSA testimony to Congress indicated that those issues may well reemerge if the agency decides to restart the […]
Outstanding Investigative Work: Guccifer 2.0’s Russian Breadcrumbs…
In this report, Forensicator analyzes metadata left in the various documents that Guccifer 2 modified and then published on his WordPress blog. Some new discoveries are made, some revisited. Forensicator concludes that Guccifer 2’s consistent intent was to plant clues which connected Guccifer 2 to Russia. Except for one head fake, when Guccifer 2 was […]
NSA Quietly Deletes Years of Illegally Collected Wiretap Data…
The National Security Agency (NSA) is scrubbing several years worth of call records swept up in foreign intelligence surveillance wiretaps that it was never authorized to collect – claiming that “technical irregularities” caused the oversight, according to the agency. The agency issued a statement Thursday notifying the public that in May it began to delete […]
FBI Agent Ignored Possible Clinton Server Breach. Here’s Why…
FBI agent Peter Strzok knew there was a breach into Hillary Clinton’s server but did not investigate. Former U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Joe diGenova suggests when James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence under Obama, “found out Hillary Clinton’s server had been compromised, they are required by law to conduct a damage […]
DiGenova: Strzok, Clapper Ignored Possible Hack of Hillary’s Server ‘With Consent of Obama’…
Former U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Joe diGenova said Tuesday that key Obama administration officials ignored reports of a possible breach of Hillary Clinton’s private email server in order to protect the 2016 presidential candidate. DiGenova said that not only did FBI Agent Peter Strzok and then-Director of National Intelligence Jim Clapper ignore […]
Dianne Feinstein Discovers Its Not ‘Just’ Metadata…
Over the course of years of defending the NSA’s bulk metadata programs, Dianne Feinstein made a series of statements to suggest that massive collection of metadata — including aspiring to collect the phone records of every American — was no big deal because it didn’t include content. But it appears Senator Feinstein no longer believes […]
iPhones Secretly Send Call History to Apple, Security Firm Says…
Russian digital forensics firm Elcomsoft has found that Apple’s mobile devices automatically send a user’s call history to the company’s servers if iCloud is enabled — but the data gets uploaded in many instances without user choice or notification…
The Tyranny of 9/11: The Building Blocks of the American Police State from A-Z (Short) by John W. Whitehead…
Since the towers fell on 9/11, the American people have been treated like enemy combatants, to be spied on, tracked, scanned, frisked, searched, subjected to all manner of intrusions, intimidated…