Regardless of who is your chosen – or least favorite – presidential candidate, independent minds should be concerned about the latest revelations in the news media’s unseemly relationships with government and political actors…
NEWSGATE 2016 by Sharyl Attkisson…
EMAIL: RE: Press Dinners – Full Info…
New Email Leak Reveals Clinton Campaign’s Cozy Press Relationship…
Internal strategy documents and emails among Clinton staffers shed light on friendly and highly useful relationships between the campaign and various members of the U.S. media, as well as the campaign’s strategies for manipulating those relationships.
Journey To Aleppo Part I: Exposing The Truth Buried Under NATO Propaganda by Vanessa Beeley (See Video Interview Below)…
The Syrian people are suffering under the ‘moderate rebels’ and ‘opposition forces’ backed by the US, NATO member states and their allies in the Gulf states and Israel. Yet their suffering is largely ignored…
Journey to Aleppo Part II: The Syria Civil Defense & Aleppo Medical Assoc. Are REAL Syrians Helping Syrians by Vanessa Beeley…
Making Up the News: How the Western Media Misreported the Syrian Convoy Attack…
Instead of making a real effort to find out the truth of what actually happened to the Syrian aid convoy the Western media preferred to repeat whatever the US and the Jihadis told them as if it was true…
Trump Is Right: He Didn’t Kick a Baby Out of a Campaign Rally…
“One other salient fact is missing from all the pieces on babygate. Mom and baby, very much not kicked out, came back to their seat a bit later. The baby was sucking a pacifier, silent…
And You Don’t Believe Establishment Media Isn’t in the Tank for Hillary and DNC…
The “dark speech” theme was obviously a canned response by the Clinton campaign. Her independent media (not) dutifully repeated it over and over…
Putin Warns Journalists of War: ‘I Don’t Know How to Get Through to You People’ (VIDEO with Subtitles)…
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