This past election cycle was unprecedented in terms of the bias and lack of objectivity exercised by the mainstream media. The emphasis on mainstream media blaming “fake news” for Donald Trump’s election is an attempt to distract and divert the feedback loop developed between the Clinton campaign and much of the press…
Is It Propaganda or Not? Your Friendly Guide to Better Propaganda…
Is Obama Planning A “Fake News” Outlet Of His Own?…
Is the U.S. Government Behind the Fake News Media Attacks?…
Or Maybe Ukrainian Bloggers Funded with U.S. Tax Dollars?…
Trump’s Media Summit Was a ‘f—ing firing squad’…
Mainstream Media Recap: Who Colluded With the Clinton Campaign?…
Watching the Hawks: Mainstream Media Has Met Its Maker (VIDEO)…
Russia Today is sending a powerful message to the Hawks embedded in Mainstream Media…