This past election cycle was unprecedented in terms of the bias and lack of objectivity exercised by the mainstream media. The emphasis on mainstream media blaming “fake news” for Donald Trump’s election is an attempt to distract and divert the feedback loop developed between the Clinton campaign and much of the press…
Is the U.S. Government Behind the Fake News Media Attacks?…
Or Maybe Ukrainian Bloggers Funded with U.S. Tax Dollars?…
Trump’s Media Summit Was a ‘f—ing firing squad’…
Mainstream Media Recap: Who Colluded With the Clinton Campaign?…
Watching the Hawks: Mainstream Media Has Met Its Maker (VIDEO)…
Russia Today is sending a powerful message to the Hawks embedded in Mainstream Media…
Listen Up! The Media Didn’t Get the Polling Wrong…They Lied…
Most Say Media, Not Russians, Tilting the Election…
Politico’s Chief Correspondent To John Podesta: “Don’t Tell Anyone I Did This”…
NEWSGATE 2016 by Sharyl Attkisson…
Regardless of who is your chosen – or least favorite – presidential candidate, independent minds should be concerned about the latest revelations in the news media’s unseemly relationships with government and political actors…