The safety of our students, faculty and staff is our top priority. Today, members of the John Jay faculty received threats, and our students expressed concerns for their safety in the classroom. Out of concern for the safety of our students, faculty and staff, we are immediately placing the adjunct on administrative leave…
Dozens of Groups Urge Congress to Stop Transfer of Military Items to Cops…
Dozens of groups are urging Congress to suspend a program that allows the transfer of surplus military equipment to state and local law enforcement agencies. In a letter to both House and Senate leaders, the groups said they are “disturbed” by the decision of Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ decision to lift…
NYPD Sued for Refusing to Disclose Face Recognition Technology Docs…
A privacy group is suing the NYPD for documents related to their secretive and unregulated facial recognition program. They say the technology can misidentify people, causing innocent people to be investigated or arrested. The Center on Privacy & Technology (CPT), a university think tank at Georgetown Law, announced Tuesday that it filed a Freedom of […]
Former UN Worker, Nigerian Journalist Arrested for Allegedly Robbing Four NYC Banks on Lunch Hour…
A former United Nations employee and Nigerian journalist was arrested for allegedly robbing four New York City banks on his lunch hour, authorities said. Abdullahi Shuaibu, 53, was arrested Monday and charged with two counts of robbery and two counts of attempted robbery in connection with a string of robberies carried out at four Manhattan […]
Three Arrested for Starting Massive Fire on Atlanta Interstate Bridge…
Deputy Insurance Commissioner Jay Florence said Basil Eleby, Sophia Bruner, and Barry Thomas were the three suspects arrested, the Daily Mail reported. Eleby, whom Florence believes started the fire, faces a charge of criminal damage to property. Bruner and Thomas each face charges of criminal trespass. “We believe they were together when the fire was […]
AG Sessions Announces Action Against Sanctuary Cities (VIDEO)…
Sessions stated “…some states and cities have adopted policies designed to frustrate this enforcement of immigration laws. This includes refuses to detain known felons under federal detainer requests or otherwise failing to comply with these laws. For example, the Department of Homeland Security recently issued a report showing that in a single week, there were […]
Flynn Resignation Raises Tough Questions for FBI, Intel Services…
Secret Docs Reveal: President Trump Has Inherited an FBI With Vast Hidden Powers…
In the wake of President Donald Trump’s inauguration, the FBI assumes an importance and influence it has not wielded since J. Edgar Hoover’s death in 1972. That is what makes today’s batch of stories from The Intercept, The FBI’s Secret Rules, based on a trove of long-sought confidential FBI documents, so critical: It shines a […]
2016 Closes With 140 Cops Being Killed in the Line of Duty…
A total of 140 law enforcement officers were killed in 2016 in line of duty deaths. The number of deaths increased by 10 over 2015’s 130 officers who were killed. The final death of the year came Friday night when Pennsylvania State Police Trooper Landon Weaver was shot and killed while investigating an alleged violation […]
“Code of Silence” Revisited: An Update on the Watts Investigation
On October 6, The Intercept published “Code of Silence,” a four-part investigation of a far-reaching criminal enterprise within the Chicago Police Department. For more than a decade, a team of gang tactical officers led by Sgt. Ronald Watts were major players in the drug trade radiating out from public housing developments on Chicago’s South Side…