Chelsea Manning isn’t alone. Late Thursday, Manning revealed that she’s fighting a subpoena to testify before a grand jury that’s been investigating Julian Assange for nearly nine years. But Manning isn’t the only one being dragged into the aging probe of WikiLeaks’ first big haul. A former WikiLeaks volunteer who was also personal friends with […]
CNN Didn’t Disclose Democratic Party Ties of Questioners in Sanders Town Hall…
CNN on Wednesday admitted it failed to disclose the Democratic Party ties of audience members who asked questions during its recent Sen. Bernie Sanders town hall. “Though we said at the beginning of the Town Hall that the audience was made up of Democrats and Independents, we should have more fully identified any political affiliations,” […]
Assange’s Lawyer Weighs In…
OPINION: The Greatest Threat to American Journalism: the Loss of Neutral Reporting by John Solomon…
Over the past several months, I’ve watched, read and heard much about the potential Armageddon facing the profession of journalism. I’ve watched colleagues proclaim that “fake news” attacks by President Trump, crowd chants of “enemies” and the expulsion of CNN’s Jim Acosta from the White House press room pose the greatest threats to news reporting […]
Saudi Officials Offered Super Bowl Tickets to CNN’s Tapper, Fox News Brett Baier…
The Most Repulsive 3 Minutes Ever Broadcast on TV…
MUST READ: MSNBC and Daily Beast Feature UAE Lobbyist David Rothkopf with No Disclosure: a Scandalous Media-Wide Practice by Glenn Greenwald…
On Thursday, the Daily Beast published an article about the Saudi/US relationship by David Rothkopf, a long-time member in good standing of the U.S. Foreign Policy elite. Until last year, he was the editor-in-chief of the establishment journal Foreign Policy, named to that position in 2012 when it was owned by the Washington Post. He’s […]