Economist John Williams says the economy is in deep trouble, and the Fed knows it…
The New York Fed Is Exercising Powers Never Bestowed on It by Any Law…
Earlier this month President Trump advanced the view that during a national emergency the President has “total power.” The real power, however, is being exercised by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (New York Fed) with not so much as one vote by any elected representatives of the citizens of the U.S. The speed […]
John Williams Named Next New York Fed Chair…
As was widely expected thanks to several leaks to the Wall Street Journal, San Francisco Fed President John Williams has been named president of the (far more influential) Federal Reserve Bank of New York: It’s considered one of the most powerful positions within the Fed system – sometime even more so than the Fed chair […]
The Biggest Washington Whopper Yet…
You can’t find lazier people than in the mainstream financial press, but their exuberant cheerleading about the purported 5.2% gain in the real median household income in 2015 surely was a new high in mendacity…