Learn a wee bit more about 9/11. We don’t know the half of it. AE911 Truth is spending the next 72 hours providing details of their work, partners work and more over the last year. Livestreaming…tune-in
The Syria Strikes: A Conspiracy Theory (VIDEO)…
The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the Syria Strikes from the truth-telling truth-tellers in the truthful government and true mainstream news!…in under 5 minutes!!!
Crisis at the Federal Reserve. The End of the Washington Consensus? Nomi Prins on GRTV…
Nomi Prins talks about the changing economic and monetary landscape and how the locus of central bank power is shifting to the East, with players like the People’s Bank of China gaining in prominence and former US/EU lapdogs like the IMF becoming brokers for these new power players in the new world financial order…
SDR World Order by James Corbett…
The IMF is formally adding the Chinese renminbi (aka the yuan) to their “Special Drawing Rights” basket on Saturday, October 1st. The move boosts the yuan to the status of global reserve currency alongside its basketmates, the pound, the euro, the yen and the dollar…
9/11 Suspects: Christine Todd Whitman (VIDEO)…
In the hours, days, and weeks that followed, 9/11, thousands upon thousands of victims, first responders, emergency personnel, clean up crews, and residents were subjected to the poisonous stew of asbestos, benzene, mercury, lead, cadmium and other particulates from which many are now dying…