Secretary of State John Kerry demanded that Russia and the Syrian government both halt all offensive operations inside Syria, making no moves against any rebel…
Could Entirely Change Conflict Map…
Syrian Endgame: Aleppo and ‘Plan C’…
Several Civilians Killed in Gas Attacks…
Britain to Train More Syrian “Moderate” Rebels to Fight Assad…
U.S. Admits Killing Civilians in Syria and Iraq…
Kerry: Russia, Syria Must Stop All ‘Offensive Operations’ Against All Rebels…
Russia, Syria Launch Large-Scale Humanitarian Operation in Aleppo
US-Backed ‘Moderate’ Syrian Rebels Shoot Down Russian Helicopter…
The crash site is controlled by a rebel alliance, comprising al-Nusra Front, Ahrar al-Sham and several other radical groups.
Syrian Militants Whom U.S. Refused to Add to Terror List Shell UN Convoy…
Jaysh al-Islam, a group that is trying to overthrow Bashar al-Assad and establish a caliphate in Syria, has shelled a UN humanitarian convoy in the province of Damascus…