Judicial Watch today released 695 pages of new documents from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that contain admissions by IRS officials that the agency used “inappropriate political labels” to screen the tax-exempt applications of conservative organizations. Other records reveal that the IRS was going to require 501(c)(4) nonprofit organizations to restrict their alleged political…
Taxpayers Spend 6.1 Billion Hours, $234 Billion Per Year on Tax Compliance…
Taxpayers spend 6.1 billion hours a year just to comply with the federal tax code, according to experts at a Tax Foundation event on Monday. Pete Sepp, president of the National Taxpayers Union, said that tax compliance costs taxpayers $234 billion per year in direct costs and lost productivity. “The problem is the status quo—thinking […]
IRS Doesn’t Tell 1M Taxpaying Americans Illegals Stole Their Social Security Numbers…
The IRS has discovered more than 1 million Americans whose Social Security numbers were stolen by illegal immigrants, but officials never bothered to tell the taxpayers themselves, the agency’s inspector general said in a withering new report released Tuesday. Investigators first alerted the IRS to the problem five years ago, but it’s still not fixed, […]
New Protest Idiocy Lows: “Resisting” By Not Paying Federal Taxes…
If you thought the last round of protest idiocy was counterproductive, you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet. Just when you think they’ve hit rock bottom, the liberal protests hit new lows. The Guardian recently published an article detailing a revival in “tax resistance,” which is a practice of not paying your taxes to “resist” government…
$1.08 Trillion: Gov’t Collects Record-High Taxes in First Four Months of Fiscal 2017…
The federal government collected a record $1.08 trillion in taxes in the first four months of fiscal year 2017, but the federal government still ran a $157 billion deficit during that time, according to the latest monthly Treasury Department statement. Treasury receipts include tax revenue from individual income taxes, corporate income taxes, social insurance and […]
U.S. Tax Evaders Could Lose Passport and Face Travel Ban…
The US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) says that under the so-called FAST Act it will start certifying tax debt to the State Department, which may then refuse to issue or renew a taxpayer’s passport. The FAST Act (Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act) was passed by the Congress and signed into law by President Obama in […]
The Right Wing Group Behind Donald Trump’s Rise Aims to Keep Fear Alive…
House Passes Bill Preventing IRS from Wrongfully Seizing Your Assets…
The House unanimously passed a bill Thursday aimed at preventing the Internal Revenue Service from wrongfully seizing assets of innocent Americans under current civil forfeiture laws…
IRS Refuses to Abandon ‘Targeting’ Criteria — 7 Years Later, One ‘Targeted’ Tea Party Group Is Still Waiting…
The IRS is refusing to recant the targeting criteria it used to single out tea party groups for intrusive scrutiny, according to court filings made public Wednesday…
IRS Doesn’t Bother Notifying More Than 1M Taxpayers Whose Identity Was Stolen by Illegals…
During the period February 2011 to December 2015, the IRS identified almost 1.1 million taxpayers who were victims of employment-related identity theft…